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Approved Minutes 2/27/2014
Salem Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Thursday, February 27, 2014, 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:       Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:        Chair Julia Knisel, Gregory St. Louis, Tom Campbell, Dan Ricciarelli, David Pabich, Bart Hoskins
Members Absent: Amy Hamilton
Others Present: Tom Devine, Conservation Agent
Recorder:       Stacy Kilb

Chair Knisel calls the meeting to order at 6:03 PM.

1.      Shetland Park Emergency Seawall Repair—Public Hearing—Notice of Intent—Shetland Harbor Trust (Shetland Properties), 27 Congress Street, Salem, MA. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss repair of the South River seawall at 27 Congress Street (Shetland Park) within an area subject to protection under the Wetlands Protection Act and Salem Wetlands Protection & Conservation Ordinance.

Scott Patrowicz presents along with John Kelly of Shetland Properties, contractor Kevin Pelletier, and Structural Engineer Ed Mall. An emergency certification was issued at the last meeting and several repairs have been made. Work has not been done in the past couple of weeks due to weather and having to work around tides.  This NOI was a condition of the emergency certification.

Mr. Patrowicz describes the current state of the area and work being done. The 2’ curb is a vehicle barrier; what is there now is just the top of the stone. The wall will be capped with this vehicle barrier topped with a guard rail. Water will flow through the curb. The height of the former wall will be replicated. Some of the obstacles are described; the top of the wall will be tied back. There is some delay as part of the wall is under water, and weather has not been cooperating. Further drainage details are discussed.  There will be some settlement and thus maintenance needed. Pabich is still concerned about drainage but Mr. Patrowicz reiterates that what they have planned is adequate.

Other railing options were explored and this one was chosen as the best for this situation. The plans are discussed in more detail by Mr. Patrowicz.  He will check if the City has any design standard that must be adhered to.

St. Louis asks about soil mass; it is standard spec from the geogrid manufacturer, but St. Louis is concerned that it is too fine and will wash out in a tidal area. The applicant will check on that.

Chair Knisel opens to the public but no one is present.

Devine received a call from the Division of Marine Fisheries, who wanted to confirm that a turbidity boom is used; it is there. DEP has told Devine not to wait for comments; the Commission usually does not wait. Ricciarelli asks about the shelf and it is further outlined. Flow generated by the lot has not been calculated since what is there is being replicated. The current volume will continue going into the river and Pabich is concerned that if trash gets lodged in front of scuppers, it will impede the flow significantly. Mr. Patrowicz claims this is a maintenance issue and that 12” open scuppers may be preferable, but they may compromise integrity of the wall. It may be best to leave it as is and remove waste that accumulates. The complex is carefully maintained, so Mr. Patrowicz is not very concerned, however future landlords may not be as thorough.

A motion to close the public hearing is made by Hoskins, seconded by St. Louis, and all are in favor.
A motion to issue an order of conditions is made by Pabich, seconded by St. Louis, and all are in favor.

1. Material for backfill soil and reinforcement soil mass must pass #40 sieve – to be reviewed by structural engineer to increase aggregate size
2. Ensure that railing is in conformity with City standards, if applicable
2.      Old/New Business

•       Meeting minutes—December 12, 2013 and January 9, 2014

A motion to approve both sets of minutes is made by Hoskins, seconded by Campbell, and all are in favor.

  • Salem Oil & Grease has submitted information in response to the DEP’s request for information needed in order to issue a superseding order of conditions. This information is available to Commissioners.
  • The City has submitted Environmental Impact Report for the cruise ship terminal on the former Power Plant property.
  • The MACC conference will be Saturday. Campbell and Knisel are attending. Devine states that he learned that the City policy is to not reimburse board and commission members for mileage. Knisel and Pabich recall reimbursement for mileage in the past. Devine will revisit this with his director.
  • David Pabich has formally resigned from the Conservation Commisson and this is his last meeting. The MACC handbook takes the position that a member can remain on the Commission beyond expiration of the term until a replacement is confirmed.        
A motion to adjourn is made by Pabich, seconded by Hoskins, and is approved unanimously.

The meeting ends at 6:33PM

Respectfully submitted,
Stacy Kilb
Clerk, Salem Conservation Commission

Approved by the Conservation Commission on March 27, 2014